Products that people usually don't buy/purchase ON

April 30 2008, 3:37 AM

Many people have found that it is simply easier to purchase items

online, than worry about physically walking into a store, and dealing

with people first-hand. As it is, there are many advantages to this

approach, and it really depends on the person as to which one will

win out in the end. Advantages of Purchasing online.You can

purchase products that not for sale or not in your country, like unique

products. you can save yourself a lot of time and effort  another

advantage is the selection.


But why there are people usually don't purchase online. There are

people that doesn't purchase online becuase of the risk they are

going to make. Like giving the information. if the the website can be

trusted then there is no problem with that, but if not., it's a big

problem. They can go through your account. another one like

returning if there is damage in the product. how can they exchange

or return it if they ordered itout of the country.If they so,  I think that

will take too long. some have doubts about it. Purchasing online has

a greater chance of  scam.They are afraid that their order will not

arrive. and also another reason why people don't purchase online is

the shippment will cost to much. There are people think that

purchasing online it is notsafe. But for me it will depend on the

people. where there are comfortable purchasing online or not.


And peolpe don't usaully purchase in the net are Foods. anykind of

foods that has a expiration date..hehe..Shirt because it may differ in

size, Gadgets, because it may have defects you can never

exchange or return it, if you can then thats Good. Jewelry, It is a

precious product and many will be interested about it, they can steal



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E-commerce Security Issue

April 17 2008, 2:40 AM

      The E-commerce security issue. there are many issue of a small and big company

right now. especially when they are using Initernet for their revenue, transaction and

market their product on a global scale. Example of these issues are malicious code,

hacking and information gathering. malicious code or Also known as malware; it

includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms and harmful applications. These techniques

are used by a number of people on the internet in order to be able to infiltrate the

systems of individuals or mostly companies and be able to disrupt or retrieve

sensitive information. This is very important, because depending on the transaction

conducted online, either credit cards, exchange of information and company data, the i

ndividual using the techniques above can use the information to his advantage. This

can be often used for corporate espionage, or to disrupt company day to day

business. Hacking; Hackers are individuals that use their skills and find weaknesses

in web sites and or computer systems to infiltrate and retrieve information often with a

criminal intent. Several times hackers destroy archives, web sites, applications and

computer systems which this in technological terms is called cybervandalism.

Hackers, that post these vulnerabilities of company owned networks, programs and

application on the internet, and hackers that vandalise for what ever purpose company

data compromise the sensitive information and shake the trust of companies trading

in the B2B environment.Information gathering is also a way of compromising

corporate transactional or confidential information. This can be done in four ways: •

Social engineering. The simplest of attacks. An individual can compromise and find

weaknesses in companies by just having casual phone conversations with company

staff. A “con-artist” can retrieve information from company staff by asking simple

information like, where are your servers, or what database is the company using or

operating system is in place. As a result the hackers can better direct their attack and

thus increase their chances of success. It vital for companies to ensure that staff is

properly educated on the confidentiality of this information. • Dumpster Diving. Even

today companies throw away a big number of paper based information without

disposing of it correctly (e.g. shredding). Individuals tend to search through the

organisations trash and find, sensitive information like, organisation charts,

password, directories-mails, and confidential client information such as bank

accounts, recent purchases etc. • Network sniffing. A big number of sensitive data

travelling on the web and especially between businesses sometimes are not

encrypted. This allows an attacker that uses special tools to be able to gain access to

the connections made and read the data. This can be from simple e-mails to e-mail

contracts and B2B trading agreements. • Basic Services. Operating systems are

installed with default services that attackers can exploit by using the correct tools.

These often reveal login information which the attacker can use to gain access to

company systems.



       I feel really Bad. In this kind of big environment. there are many ways to find income or to have money. whether they do it in a legal way or illegal ways.





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My first entry..(Web designer)

April 10 2008, 8:20 PM


this is my first time to  post a blog..this is our assignment.

we need to find a career option and discuss its job description..

I chose a Web designer..i don't know why..

I think this job is interesting..i suppose..hehe..

anyway here it is..

Check out the job description of a Web designer and its possible companies.

Web designers are responsible for the layout, visual appearance and usability of a

website. This role may overlap with that of a Multimedia programmer and web

architect. Using a combination of graphic design skills and technical knowledge of

how web pages are created, the work involves:

    * liaising closely with a customer or client at the design stage to answer questions

such as: why is the site needed? who are the target audience? who are the leading

competitors? etc;

* producing a design that will be attractive to the target user, has a logical navigation

and has all the features required;

   * writing web pages in a combination of codes, such as hypertext mark-up language

(HTML), Javascript, Actionscript, ColdFusion, Java, Perl and Flash, or using

code-generating programs, such as Dreamweaver;

    * deciding on how images and other material will be digitally optimised and

presented for the web;

    * ensuring that material on the web site is accessible to all groups including those

with disabilities;

    * testing the site for functionality in different browsers and at different resolutions;

    * fixing errors.

Web designers will have knowledge of graphic design packages such as Fireworks

or Photoshop

in order to produce basic layout and manipulate images. Skills in cascading style

sheets (CSS),

 e-commerce and server side technologies, such as PHP and Perl, and internet

security are also

important. As users gain faster access to the internet via broadband,

web designers with skills in multimedia and interactivity are likely to be in greater


I think its possible companies are..those compapanies who have their website to

mantain and design...I suppose almost all of the campany right now has a website..




To my teacher. God Bless Ma'am hehe...



Bonn Louie M. Arsenal





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Last update Apr 30, 2008